Slip and Fall Lawyer in Scranton, PA

Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime. You don’t have to be doing something dangerous to get hurt due to someone else’s negligence. You can be doing something as simple as taking a stroll around the block, shopping for groceries, or climbing a staircase. One loose floorboard, wet surface, or broken railing is all it takes to cause serious injury.

Accidents like this can have far-reaching consequences, in addition to physical and emotional trauma, you could find yourself struggling with expensive hospital bills, lost income due to missing work, or other financial burdens. That’s when you need a slip and fall lawyer in Scranton from Selingo Guagliardo.

We know that recovering from an injury is never easy. If you need a slip and fall lawyer in Scranton, PA, we want to ensure you’re well taken care of so you can heal in peace without worrying about medical debt and other expenses.

Woman walking on hazardous sidewalk

3 Types of Slip and Fall Injuries

Soft Tissue Damage

The term “soft tissues” describes tissues that connect and support joints, bones, organs, and other body parts. These include our muscles, tendons, and ligaments, among other issues. Soft tissue injuries occur when these connective tissues are stretched or torn, such as when a slip and fall accident causes you to twist a limb at an extreme angle.

While often easy to miss with symptoms that may not be apparent early on, soft tissue damage can cause pain, swelling, and impaired mobility. More severe instances may require surgery. Soft tissue damage can lead to chronic, ongoing quality-of-life issues if left untreated.

Broken Bones

Among the most common injuries suffered in slip and fall accidents, a fracture occurs when more pressure is placed on a bone than it can handle. This may happen when a limb is put under excessive weight, struck with extreme force, and wedged in place while the rest of the body is carried forward.

Although broken bones can heal with time and the aid of a cast, surgery may be required so that metal rods or pins can be inserted to hold fragments in place. More extreme fractures can sometimes penetrate the skin or puncture organs, leading to heavy bleeding and other internal injuries.

Brain and Spine Trauma

Few body parts are as necessary and fragile as the brain and nervous system. Your brain regulates and directs all other functions of your body, from the pumping of your heart to the breathing of your lungs. Your nervous system, which is protected by the spinal cord, is what carries those signals from the brain to the rest of your limbs and organs.

Any injury to the head or back, such as that which may be suffered during a slip and fall accident, can cause severe trauma. Damage to the nervous system can result in temporary or permanent disability, paralysis, or even death. Due to the seriousness of these injuries, you will need a strong Scranton slip and fall attorney by your side.

Find a Scranton Slip and Fall Lawyer Who Can Help

Slip and fall accidents are no laughing matter. When a property owner is negligent and fails to take proper safety precautions, it could have severe consequences for you or a loved one. If you know someone who was injured in a slip and fall accident, have them contact the top Scranton slip and fall lawyers at Selingo Guagliardo.

At Selingo Guagliardo, nothing is more important to us than making sure you and the people you care about get proper care and support. Let us help you go forward to find relief. Contact us now to meet with a slip and fall lawyer in Scranton, PA, or one of our other locations.